Android Layout and Views – Types and Examples

What is Android View? A View is a simple building block of a user interface. It is a small rectangular box that can be TextView, EditText, or even a button. It occupies the area on the screen in a rectangular area and is responsible for drawing and event handling. View is a superclass of allContinue reading “Android Layout and Views – Types and Examples”

Basic Interview Top 30 Android Studio Questions. || Learn99

Q #1) What is Android? Answer: Android is an open-source operating system and is mainly popular for Smartphones and Tablets. This operating system is Linux Kernel-based. Using the Android operating system, the developer develops the functions or programs which can perform basic as well as the advanced type of operations on the Smartphone. Q #2) WhatContinue reading “Basic Interview Top 30 Android Studio Questions. || Learn99”

Bottom Navigation bar in Android Studio.

Implementation step of Bottom Navigation Bar Create an Android Studio Project Adding the BottomNavigationView  Creates menu items for the bottom navigation bar Initialization of Components Configuring Click Events Creating the Fragments Launching the Fragments 1. Create an Android Studio Project Let’s open the Android Studio and create a new project, (put the name you want,Continue reading “Bottom Navigation bar in Android Studio.”

Create a Profile XML Design in Android Studio.

Steps to create a Profile UI Design in android To create a profile screen we have to do the following steps. Create a new activity Change Layout. Design the Profile Page. 1- Create a new activity In the first place, we have to make a new activity. For instance, decide either we want to createContinue reading “Create a Profile XML Design in Android Studio.”

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